


但是差分电荷密度只能定性的分析电荷传输情况,如果需要对电荷传输进行定性分析,则需要通过另外一种算法,即面积分差分电荷密度(plane-averaged charge density difference, PCDD)。


  1. chgdiff.pl file1/CHGCAR file2/CHGCAR,生成CHGCAR.diff文件,重命名为CHGCAR;
  2. vtotav.py CHGCAR Z,生成CHGCAR_Z文件。


  • chgdiff.pl为VTST·Tools网站提供,可自行下载。
  • chgdiff.pl file1 file2 处理数据时,file2对应总的电荷,而file1对应的是需要减去的电荷;
  • vtotav.py处理后的得到的CHGCAR_Z文件,可以直接导入origin作图,横坐标对应于Z轴的晶胞。使用vtotav.py要求系统已经安装ASE,安装方法参考上一篇教程。


#!/usr/bin/env python


A script which averages a CHGCAR or LOCPOT file in one direction to make a 1D curve.

User must specify filename and direction on command line.

Depends on ase


import os

import sys

import numpy as np

import math

import string

import datetime

import time

from ase.calculators.vasp import VaspChargeDensity

starttime = time.clock()

print ("Starting calculation at"),

print (time.strftime("%H:%M:%S on %a %d %b %Y"))

if len(sys.argv) != 3:

print ( "\n** ERROR: Must specify name of file and direction on command line.")

print ("eg. vtotav.py LOCPOT z.")


if not os.path.isfile(sys.argv[1]):

print ("\n** ERROR: Input file %s was not found." % sys.argv[1])


# Read information from command line

# First specify location of LOCPOT

LOCPOTfile = sys.argv[1].lstrip()

# Next the direction to make average in

# input should be x y z, or X Y Z. Default is Z.

allowed = "xyzXYZ"

direction = sys.argv[2].lstrip()

if allowed.find(direction) == -1 or len(direction)!=1 :

print ("** WARNING: The direction was input incorrectly.")

print ("** Setting to z-direction by default.")

if direction.islower():

direction = direction.upper()

filesuffix = "_%s" % direction

# Open geometry and density class objects


vasp_charge = VaspChargeDensity(filename = LOCPOTfile)

potl = vasp_charge.chg[-1]

atoms = vasp_charge.atoms[-1]

del vasp_charge

# For LOCPOT files we multiply by the volume to get back to eV

if 'LOCPOT' in LOCPOTfile:


print ("\nReading file: %s" % LOCPOTfile)

print ("Performing average in %s direction" % direction)

# Read in lattice parameters and scale factor


cell = atoms.cell

# Find length of lattice vectors


latticelength = np.dot(cell, cell.T).diagonal()

latticelength = latticelength**0.5

# Read in potential data


ngridpts = np.array(potl.shape)

totgridpts = ngridpts.prod()

print ("Potential stored on a %dx%dx%d grid" % (ngridpts[0],ngridpts[1],ngridpts[2]))

print ("Total number of points is %d" % totgridpts)

print ("Reading potential data from file…"),


print ("done.")

# Perform average


if direction=="X":

idir = 0

a = 1

b = 2

elif direction=="Y":

a = 0

idir = 1

b = 2


a = 0

b = 1

idir = 2

a = (idir+1)%3

b = (idir+2)%3

# At each point, sum over other two indices

average = np.zeros(ngridpts[idir],np.float)

for ipt in range(ngridpts[idir]):

if direction=="X":

average[ipt] = potl[ipt,:,:].sum()

elif direction=="Y":

average[ipt] = potl[:,ipt,:].sum()


average[ipt] = potl[:,:,ipt].sum()

if 'LOCPOT' in LOCPOTfile:

# Scale by number of grid points in the plane.

# The resulting unit will be eV.

average /= ngridpts[a]*ngridpts[b]


# Scale by size of area element in the plane,

# gives unit e/Ang. I.e. integrating the resulting

# CHG_dir file should give the total charge.

area = np.linalg.det([ (cell[a,a], cell[a,b] ),

(cell[b,a], cell[b,b])])

dA = area/(ngridpts[a]*ngridpts[b])

average *= dA

# Print out average


averagefile = LOCPOTfile + filesuffix

print ("Writing averaged data to file %s…" % averagefile,)


outputfile = open(averagefile,"w")

if 'LOCPOT' in LOCPOTfile:

outputfile.write("# Distance(Ang) Potential(eV)\n")


outputfile.write("# Distance(Ang) Chg. density (e/Ang)\n")

xdiff = latticelength[idir]/float(ngridpts[idir]-1)

for i in range(ngridpts[idir]):

x = i*xdiff

outputfile.write("%15.8g %15.8g\n" % (x,average[i]))


print ("done.")

endtime = time.clock()

runtime = endtime-starttime

print ("\nEnd of calculation.")

print ("Program was running for %.2f seconds." % runtime)




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