Do everything you love .
只管好好爱自己 惊喜总会不经意出现.
Just love yourself, and surprises will come out.
书上说:对的人 兜兜转转还是会遇见.
The book says: the right person, you will still meet.
自己有了光芒 才能配得上自己追逐的星星.
Only when havelight cantdeserve the stars chase.
愿你成长 愿你落落大方 枯木逢春 不负众望.
1 hope you grow up and live up to your expectations .
没有任何价值的消耗 要保持知趣和清醒.
There is no consumption of any value, and we should keep informed and sober.
哪有这么多烂道理 觉得值得就继续.
How can there be SO many bad reasons? If you think it's worth it, continue.
零星地变得优秀 也能拼凑出整个银河.
It's a piece of excellence, and it's a piece of the galaxy.
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